Term 2, Week 2 2024
General Notices
2024 Term Dates
Secondhand Uniform Shop Information
Our Secondhand Uniform shop will be closed on the following date.
Thursday 25 April – ANZAC Day – Closed
As always, donations of clean, good quality uniforms are greatly appreciated and can be dropped into Reception during 8am-4.30pm during term.
School Uniform Update Term 2
Please see attached information regarding School Uniform for Term 2.
Chess Club Term 2
Dear parents and Students,
Chess Club continues to flourish at Alphington Grammar. It is wonderful to see so many students of various ages and abilities developing their chess skills each week. If your student would like to continue at Chess Club, please just pay for Term 2, using the link below, and unless notified they will continue in their current group and room. If a student is new to Chess Club, please contact Max or myself, as to the appropriate group to join.
Janet Stewart jst@ags.vic.edu.au
Max White mwh@ags.vic.edu.au
Chess Club coordinators.

Semester 1 Term Dates 2024

Primary Sport/PE Information Term 2, 2024
Please see attached information regarding the Primary Sport/PE Timetables for Term 2.
Year 3 and 4 Sport, Term 2
Please see attached information regarding Year 3 and 4 Sport for Term 2.
Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sports Program in Term 2
Please see attached information regarding the Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport Program.

Get ready to snap your fingers and tap your toes at the Senior production of The Addams Family on May 16 and 17 at the Darebin Arts Centre! Purchase your tickets here:The Addams Family | Darebin Arts

Secondary Visual Arts House Cup – House colour piece
For the second competition of the Visual Arts House Cup, students are to create a piece of art where their house colour is the most dominant colour in the piece. The piece could be completely monochromatic (one colour). The competition will be running throughout the term 2 so students will have access to school supplies to complete their pieces. Pieces may be a drawing, painting, digital art or sculpture.
Students who are interested are encouraged to come along to Art Club, which runs every Monday lunch.
The deadline for the competition is Friday June 28th, which is the last day of term.
See poster for some ideas and inspiration.
Current point tally for Visual Arts House Cup:
1st Aristotle – 270 points
2nd Pericles – 60 points
3rd Byron – 10 points
4th Socrates – 0 points
Visual Arts Coordinator
Michael Grigoriadis

Homework Club will commence in Week 1 of Term 2.
Year 10 Immunisation Visit Consent Reminder
The City of Yarra Immunisation Team will be visiting Alphington Grammar School, on Thursday 30 May 2024.
Yarra City Council’s Secondary School Immunisation Program will be administering Year 10 students the following vaccine:
Meningococcal ACWY (Nimenrix) vaccine (1 dose). This protects against 4 strains of the Meningococcal disease. Although uncommon, the disease can cause serious permanent disabilities like brain damage, hearing loss, and limb amputations, as well as death in 10% of cases. This immunisation schedule is in accordance with the Department of Health National Immunisation Program and is recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). This vaccine is provided free of charge for all Year 10 students. Adolescents not in Year 10 but aged 15 to 19 years can also receive the MenACWY vaccine at no cost from their GP or Council Immunisation Clinics.
If you are yet to complete a consent form, please do so by following the unique URL consent link before Friday 3 May 2024. This needs to be completed even if you do not grant consent for your child to receive an immunisation at school.
If you have any questions, please contact the Immunisation Team at immunisation@yarracity.vic.gov.au.
National History Challenge – Request for Entrants
The National History Challenge is a research-based competition for students who love history. Students are encouraged to select a topic of interest, research it and present it in an engaging and innovative way.
This year’s theme is “Crisis and Response”
If students are interested in entering, please contact Mr Robert Panara (rpl@ags.vic.edu.au).
For more information, visit: https://historychallenge.org.au/
Year 7 Sovereign Hill Excursion
Please find attached information regarding the Year 7 Sovereign Hill Excursion.
Senior Sports Enrichment Programs Term 2, 2024
Please find attached information regarding Senior Sport Enrichment Programs for Term 2.
Senior Sports Uniform Requirements & Interschool Sports Term 2 and 3 2024
Please find attached information regarding Senior Interschool Sport for Term 2 and 3.
Year 7 Interschool Sport - Term 2
Please find attached information regarding Interschool Sport for Year 7 in Term 2.
Year 8 and 9 Interschool Sport - Term 2
Please find attached information regarding Interschool Sport for Year 8 and 9 in Term 2.
Semester 1 Term Dates 2024

Ongoing Information

2024 Fees
Advance notice to families, your next invoice is due 10 May 2024.
This is the final account for students in years Prep to Year 12 for the 2024 academic year. For students in the ELC, two accounts are payable for the remainder of the 2024 academic year. Invoice 3 is due on 10 May 2024, and Invoice 4 will be due on 9 August 2024. We appreciate your prompt payment of invoices.
Families will have another opportunity to support the School Building Fund and improve facilities for our students by making payment of the $250 voluntary (tax-deductible) amount invoiced. The Principal will share exciting details of how these funds have been spent to improve the school facilities in our upcoming publications. Thank you for your ongoing support of the School Building Fund.
CSEF Application
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
If you would like to apply for this allowance, please fill out the form attached and return it via email to our Business Manager, Mrs Louisa Johnstone, LJO@ags.vic.edu.au by 15 July 2023.
If your child has started at Alphington Grammar in 2023, please ensure that they have been removed off CSEF at the previous school in order to receive this funding at AGS.
Please note, if you applied for CSEF last year at AGS, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
Important Information for Students using Public Transport
Please see attached information from Public Transport Victoria regarding Student pass applications.