Term 1, Week 7 2023
General Notices

Greek Independence Day Parade
Please find the attached Information regarding the Greek Independence Day Parade this coming Sunday March 19.
Harmony Week - Non Uniform Day
This year, ‘Harmony Week’ is taking place on the week commencing 20 March. This week is dedicated to recognising and celebrating Australian multiculturalism and is a great opportunity to celebrate inclusivity for all, regardless of cultural or linguistic backgrounds.
There will be a variety of activities taking place at Alphington Grammar School over Harmony week. The one I am sure all the students (and staff!) will be looking forward to is the non-uniform day, taking place on Tuesday 21 March, which is also the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Students are invited to make a $2 donation and wear their casual clothes with a splash (or more!) of orange.
This year, all money raised will be going towards the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Australia’s largest human rights organisation providing support to people seeking asylum.
Please watch this space for an update on how the week went!
Anna Milburn
Head of Socrates
Community Services Coordinator
School Parking
Please find the attached link for important information regarding parking around our school.
Schoolbox Login for Parents
Please find the attached details for logging on to Schoolbox for the first time.
Primary Running Club

Years 1 and 2 Author Visit: Jane Godwin Thursday 30 March
Award winning author Jane Godwin will visit the school on Thursday March 30. She will talk to Year 1 and 2 students about reading, writing and her new book The Isabelle Stories: Izzy and Belle, followed by some activities. If you would like to purchase any of Jane’s books and have her sign them, please see the brochure for details on how you can purchase and have the books delivered to the school prior to her visit.
Primary Enrichment Program
Please see attached information regarding the Primary Enrichment Program.
Primary Cross Country Carnival
Please see attached information regarding the 2023 Primary Cross Country Carnival.
Primary Sport PE Term 1 Information
Please see attached information regarding the 2023 Primary Sport PE Information.
Homework Club

The Greatest Shave Fundraising Event
Please find attached link regarding The Greatest Shave Fundraising Event.
Secondary House Athletics
Please find attached link regarding The Secondary House Athletics Program.
Years 10 - 12 Greek Class Excursion
Please find attached information regarding an upcoming Class Excursion.
Secondary School Key Dates Semester 1, 2023
Please find attached link regarding Secondary Sports Uniform for 2023.
Secondary Sports Uniform Update 2023.
Please find attached link regarding Key Dates for Semester 1, 2023.
Year 7 - 9 Athletics Program 2023
Please find attached link regarding the Year 7 – 9 Athletics Program for 2023.
Secondary Swim Squad Dates Term 1
Please see attached information regarding Secondary Swim Squad dates for 2023.
Ongoing Information
2023 School Fee Payment Due Dates
Payment 3, 2023: 8 May 2023
Payment 1, 2024: 6 October 2023
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Our second hand uniform shop is open each Thursday of school term from 8:45 -9:45am.
Any donations of pre-owned good quality school uniforms can be left with reception and are greatly appreciated.
Important Information for Students using Public Transport
Please see attached information from Public Transport Victoria regarding Student pass applications.