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Continuing on from the Early Learning Centre focus of ‘Belonging, Being, Becoming’, our Primary years students continue to grow and develop socially, emotionally and academically.

At Alphington, we believe that the Primary years are critical for creating solid foundations and building essential skills such as literacy and numeracy. We foster a sense of wonder about learning through an Inquiry Based Approach that enables our students to develop as lifelong learners. A broad and stimulating curriculum that includes the Arts, Digital Design and Technology, Language, Sport, Physical Education, and a range of co-curricular activities ensures that our students have the opportunities they need to grow and thrive in a supportive environment.

Our innovative ASPIRE Program offers some of our most highly able students the opportunity to pursue their passion and think creatively to solve real life problems in a project-based, teacher-mentored setting. Our class environments provide enhanced teacher responsiveness to individual students, with support programs available to address a range of student needs.

Our educators know that establishing a rapport with students is critical to creating a classroom culture that is conducive to learning. A caring and responsive pastoral care approach to the wellbeing of all students helps to build the strong community bond that is so integral to the fabric of Alphington Grammar School.

Our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Diversity, Creativity, Endeavour and Integrity are underpinned by the central value of Excellence. The explicit teaching of these values, along with a Growth Mindset and ‘You Can Do It’ approach throughout the Primary years, helps build competencies that prepare our students to transition to Secondary schooling as engaged young people, ready to contribute to the world around them.