Commitment to this overseas experience
•I will commit to this experience and do my very best to be honest, positive and encouraging.
•I will attempt all activities to the best of my ability.
Developing Relationships
•I will work with others, offering and receiving support, respect their rights and be sensitive to their needs and feelings.
•I will be positive at all times with other participants. I will encourage them and acknowledge their achievements.
•I will be open and honest in dealing with both peers and staff.
•I have the right to make a contribution that will be considered on equal terms with all other participants within a safe and supportive environment.
Personal Welfare
•I will be responsible for my own welfare and help others whenever I can.
•I will feel comfortable to ask for and receive support from the staff and other participants on this trip.
•As a visitor to various places during this trip, I will respect the culture, the natural and built environment and the people that live in these places and other visitors.
•I will respect my property and that of others on this trip.
•I will respect staff members and tour providers throughout this trip.
School Rules
•At all times I will obey and be guided in my actions by the school rules.