Term 3, Week 5 2022
General Notices
Annual Music Concert
We are delighted that after two years, the Annual Music Concert will finally be returning to the Centre, Ivanhoe at 7.00pm on Tuesday 16 August.
All students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be performing, as well as students from all year levels across Primary and Secondary schools that are involved in our many ensembles at AGS.
Tickets are now on sale via the following link: https://www.trybooking.com/CANXA
We look forward to seeing you at this event, which is the highlight of the musical calendar at AGS.
Kenshi Life Changing Candles for Sale
We have sample candles in our secondhand uniform shop each Thursday between 9 – 10:00AM
We have a number of these candles still available, please follow the link below on how to order.
Every candle sold directly funds 3kg of pasta which equates to 24 meals. The pasta is purchased by Make a Difference Community every month and delivered to some of the biggest food charities in Melbourne.
To purchase, please scan the QR code on the attached flyer, email info@ags.vic.edu.au with your receipt and we will advise by email when the candles are ready to be collected.
Fathers Day Stall 2022
Please see attached information regarding the upcoming Fathers Day Stall.
STEAM Show 2022 Parent booking and ticket information.
Please see attached information regarding the 2022 STEAM Show and Family Workshop Information and Tickets.
IDSSA Summer Sport Fixture 2022
Please see attached information regarding the Primary IDSSA Summer Sport Fixture.
Primary Running Club

Semester 2, 2022 Key Dates

Homework Club

Year 8 Greek Language Excursion
Please see attached letter regarding the upcoming Year 8 Greek Language Excursion.
Still Life Competition
This term the Visual Art Department is running a competition! The competition will be open until Friday September 9 (Last day of term 3). Entrants and winners will contribute points for their allocated house.
The competition is a still life drawing challenge. You have been supplied with a photograph of a still life arrangement. You will need to re-create the arrangement using any art materials you like (eg pencil, paint, pastels, paper collage, digital drawing).
Any questions and submissions are to be directed to Mr Grigoriadis via email mg@ags.vic.edu.au
Please see poster attached for more details! We look forward to seeing what everyone will produce.
Year 11 Business Management Excursion
Please find attached letter regarding the upcoming Business Management Excursion.
Semester 2 Secondary Enrichment Program
Please find attached Semester 2 Secondary Enrichment Program Information.
Ongoing Information
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Our Secondhand Uniform shop is open each Thursday during term time between 9:00 – 10:00am. Any donations of pre owned good quality school uniforms would be greatly appreciated.
Important Information for Students using Public Transport
Please see attached information from Public Transport Victoria regarding Student pass applications.
School Fees Reminder
Our Secondhand Uniform shop is open each Thursday during term time between 9:00 – 10:00am. Any donations of pre owned good quality school uniforms would be greatly appreciated.