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Alpha News, Term 1, Week 6

Upcoming Events

As we head into the Labour Day Long Weekend, we have also passed the mid-way point for this term. With many units of work completed, benchmarking and assessments are well underway and the diverse offerings of the enrichment program have been hugely successful.

In addition, much planning is underway for The School’s first Open Day in 3 years (due to significant construction works that have taken place), Scholarship testing, as well as the Alumni Reunion Afternoon, all to be held on Saturday 13 March.

Alongside these events we will be marking the 200 year anniversary of Greek Independence Day with a special school assembly and tree planting ceremony. The week of 22 March will see groups of students represent our school at the flag raising ceremony in Federation Square, the wreath laying ceremony at the Shrine, the church service at Evangelismos, and a special celebration at Government House where members of our school choir will be singing to invited guests and dignitaries.

It is indeed a very busy month, with Primary Parent Teacher Interviews to be held on 10 and 11 March, and the Secondary House Night and Year 7 Parents Drinks Evening both to be held on Friday 19 March. The Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on 30 and 31 March via Teams.

Our first Parents and Friends meeting for the year with the Annual General meeting and election of office bearers will be held on Monday 29 March at 6 pm in the Lyceum. This is an excellent opportunity to be able to hear more about our school, ask questions about things that interest you or indeed, be involved in any of the upcoming School events. I look forward to being able to meet more parents at these events and sharing your family experiences with you.

Dr. Vivianne Nikou
